May 25th, 2022 will always remain a day to remember in this beautiful journey we call beenear. On this day we celebrated together with our partners and with important representatives from DiTech SpA and VAR Group the beautiful results and achievements that we wouldn’t have reached without the involvement and dedication of our team, the loyalty and trust of our partners, and of course, not without our ambition that together we can be better and achieve more!
#BetterTogether was half of the motto of the event we had at Liria, a beautiful and poetic location. The evening was filled with stories, catching up, laughter and joy, and most importantly we spent it together. We got the chance to revisit the reasons that show us how our team surpassed all the challenges of the pandemic context and how we managed to turn all the obstacles into opportunities.
#NewBeginning, the other half of the motto of this event was due to the important change we announced on the occasion, the change of our CEO, wishing a nice retirement to Attilio Barisano, the founder of our company, and welcoming in this awesome journey Daniela Vallo.
She is eager to start this journey with us and confident that with her support and our continuous involvement and dedication we can reach the goals we’ve set for the company.
We look forward to accompanying our new CEO on this fantastic journey.
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